Thursday, May 17, 2012

Yogurt, a healthy food

        Students here prefer to eat yogurt, so do I. Every week I will eat a large cup of yogurt. Yogurt is very delicious, and it is very good for people’s health. Yogurt is always on my shopping list, every time I go to the supermarket, I will never forget to buy some yogurt.
        Yogurt is made by milk. It is known to us all that milk is good for people’s health, so the yogurt probably has the same function of milk. From the article “Yogurt and gut function”, the author wrote, “The nutrient composition of yoghurt is based on the nutrient composition of the milk from which it is derived.” As expected, the nutrition of yogurt depends on the quality of milk. If yogurt is made by perfect milk, obviously, the yogurt will be better. But what nutrition coming from milk does yogurt have? In the article “The Nutrition and Health Benefits of Yogurt”, Michelle Mckinley wrote “Its nutritional similarity with milk means that yogurt is an excellent source of protein, calcium, phosphorus, riboflavin (vitamin B2), thiamin (vitamin B1) and vitamin B12, and a valuable source of folate, niacin, magnesium and zinc.” Having read this, I know these nutrition comes from milk, and even the milk is made into yogurt, these nutrition are still existing. As the same, these nutrition that yogurt have can make people become stronger and healthier.
        Besides these academic sources, some newspapers also publish some information about the benefits of eating yogurt.
        Eating yogurt is very good for people’s health because of its own characteristics. The reason why people like to eat yogurt is not only the delicious taste of yogurt, but also the health yogurt will bring to them. In Pam Freir’s article “Eating yogurt keeps your inner garden green”, the author wrote that “Mechnikov’s great discovery, which became the main focus of his golden years, was that the bacteria in yogurt are not only friendly, they are workaholics and utterly dependable.” In Mechnikov’s discovery, yogurt has bacteria that could make good effects to people’s health. The effect and the benefits of bacteria can be proved in Lori Gysel and Gerry Kentner’s article “The benefits of eating yogurt”. They wrote “Although yogurt is made with cow's milk most of the time, it is thought that many lactose intolerant people can digest it because it contains the bacteria that help break it down.” From this we know that one main characteristic of bacteria is that they can make contribution to control the lactose. So even people who are lactose intolerant, they can still enjoy the nice taste of yogurt. Eating yogurt cause nothing bad to their health, however, the bacteria of yogurt help them to defend the disease of lactose.
        Eating yogurt could protect us from disease. People may pay little attention to this fact, because they think the function of yogurt is just like milk. They can make people become stronger and help them to defend disease such as cold. However, the effect of yogurt is not that simple. In fact, it is hard to imagine when I saw the article “Eating Yogurt Helps Fights Colon Cancer”. In this article, the author wrote an experiment result “A study of 746 pairs matched by sex, age, race and body size suggests that eating yogurt as few as three times a month can help protect against colon cancer.” It is really unbelievable. The experiment told us that yogurt could protect us from colon cancer. Yogurt is not expensive, and we can buy it easily in the supermarket. We can never imagine yogurt will have the function like medicine, and even better than medicine. Because medicine will at least cause a little bit harmful to people’s health, but yogurt make no bad effects.
        Because of the characteristics and benefits of eating yogurt, in recent years, you can see there are more and more different kinds of yogurt selling in the supermarket. In the article “Healthy eating fuelling yogurt growth”, the author wrote “Health trends and snacking on-the-go will offer the most promising opportunities for the yogurt industry.” People now focus more and more about their health and healthy eating. Healthy food becomes very popular in the market. As a representative of healthy food, yogurt is needed more than before, consequently, the yogurt industry develops better and better.
        The first time I ate yogurt, I began to love it because of its special and delicious taste. Having done so much research about yogurt now, I realize myself prefer to eat yogurt more than before. Yogurt is healthy food, and eating it makes good effects to my body. It can make me become stronger to defend diseases, and even it can protect myself from terrible disease such as colon cancer. Nowadays, the industry of yogurt is profitable because people pay more attention to healthy eating. To myself, I also regard healthy eating is very important. I think I will eat more yogurts in the future.  


Works Cited
Adolfsson, Oskar, Simin Nikbin Meydani, and Robert M. Russell. "Yogurt and Gut Function." The American journal of clinical nutrition 80.2 (2004): 245-56. Print.
MCKINLEY, MICHELLE C. "The Nutrition and Health Benefits of Yogurt." International Journal of Dairy Technology 58.1 (2005): 1-12. Print.
Pam Freir.  "Eating yogurt keeps your inner garden green. " Times - Colonist  7  May 2008,Canadian Newsstand Complete, ProQuest. Web.  15 May. 2012.
LORI GYSEL, and GERRY KENTNER. "The benefits of eating yogurt :[Final Edition]. " The Independent & Free Press  9  Nov. 2007,Canadian Newsstand Complete, ProQuest. Web.  15 May. 2012.
"Eating Yogurt Helps Fights Colon Cancer: FINAL Edition." San Francisco Chronicle (pre-1997 Fulltext): 10.ZZ.3. Print. 1993.
"Healthy eating fuelling yogurt growth. " Irish Independent  25  Aug. 2006, ProQuest Newsstand, ProQuest. Web.  15 May. 2012.

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