Saturday, May 19, 2012

Healthy eating habits

In Pollan’s article, the author talked about people’s eating habits. In recent years, people’s eating habits are not healthy enough. Changes are important and should be made to people’s eating habits. This article mainly talked about the nutrient of food, the factors that will take effect to people’s health, and some advice to change people’s eating habits in order to make people healthy. Among his advices, there are 3 advices values a lot.
        First, the author showed a very simple way to distinguish whether the food is good to eat or not. Pollan wrote, “Don’t eat anything your great-great-grandmother wouldn’t recognize as food”. (P 15) This way is very interesting and special. Pollan thought food existed only a few years were not healthy enough to eat. But this way do have its truth. Time is the best tool to check whether the food is healthy. If the food exists in the supermarket for so many years, we probably define this food is healthy food.
        Secondly, the author talked about an unwelcomed advice “eat less”. This suggestion is really strange; why not eat more so that people will not feel hungry any more? Pollan wrote about the longest-lived people on earth called Hara Hachi Bu, he said,  “Eat until you are 80 percent full.”(P 16) The way of his eating proved that eating less is a good eating habit. Besides, we should focus on more about the quality of food instead of quantity. The quality of food is important to people’s health.
        Thirdly, I agree with the advice of “eating like an omnivore” very much. Pollan suggested people should eat more different species, not just food. This is very healthy to people, because people could achieve more different kinds of nutrients they need in this way.
        However, in Dupuis’ article, the author had different viewpoint with Pollan’s.  In his mind, people should choose the food following their hearts. He wrote, “Because we have lost our faith in both religion and science as guides to eating, we rely on popular writers to steer us through a welter of confusing and contradictory information”(P 2). To Dupuis, people now choose their food rely on some science information that go against their heart. Food choosing should only depend on people’s taste, heart, and something like this.
        Not only in the U.S, people all around the world begin to focus on healthy eating habits. I think Pollan’s viewpoint is the main viewpoint fits the world. People should considering more about whether it is healthy before they choose what to eat.

Works Cited
Michael Pollan.  "Unhappy Meals. " New York Times Magazine  28 Jan. 2007:  ProQuest Newsstand, ProQuest. Web.  19 May. 2012.
Melanie Du Puis, E.. "Angels and Vegetables: A Brief History of Food Advice in America. " Gastronomica  7.3 (2007): 34-44. Research Library, ProQuest. Web.  19 May. 2012.

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