Saturday, May 5, 2012

History and production of food from 3 articles

In Michael Pollan’s article, “An Animal’s Place”, he began to talk about his viewpoint from his own experience. One day he saw “Animal Liberation” when he was having a meal. He used so many sources to talk about his ideas of this document. He even described what he saw about the animals’ living conditions in different farms. People always ate animals, and even if people chose not to eat them anymore, it would also increase their deaths. So it was not right enough to talk about that people should not eat animals anymore, but to make their death as the author said in the last sentence, “we’d eat them with the consciousness, ceremony and respect they deserve.”(12)
        In Christopher D. Cook’s article, “FOWL TROUBLE”, he talked about the difference about the chicken and chicken production. In the past, chickens were not as big as the chickens now. According to the USDA, the limit number of the chicken killed was larger than before. More chickens were needed to eat now. The author also talked about the chicken plants. Cook wrote that, “More and more American are saying no to jobs in the chicken plants.”(Para 6) The reason for this phenomenon was because the working conditions needed to be improved.
        In the article “The introduction to Estabrook’s Tomatoland”, the author talked about the difference of the taste and the look of the tomato. Nowadays, the nutrition of the tomatoes had great differences with the tomatoes in the 1960s. According to the research from the author, the taste and the shape of the tomatoes would be affected by the location where they were grown. The author also used his experiences of searching tomatoes in different places to prove his viewpoint.
        The most interesting part in these articles is “reasonable creature”. In Pollan’s article, he wrote “The advantage of being a ‘reasonable creature’, Franklin remarks, is that you can find a reason for whatever you want to do.” I am quite agreeing with this viewpoint. When I want to do something that may not right, I have a lot of excuses to support me keep doing it. Someday when I find what I have done was wrong, and I want to correct my errors. I could also find enough excuses to make me continue to do it. Once you have made your mind, reasonable creature will make me be reasonable to do it.

Works Cited
Michael Pollan, “An Animal’s Place”. New York Times Magazine.  November 10, 2002

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