Saturday, April 7, 2012

Differences between advertisements of Nestle Coffee and Blue Mountain Coffee

Nestle coffee and Blue Mountain coffee are two famous coffee brands which I did a research on, aiming to differentiate their different strategies on advertising.

       Nestle Coffee focuses more on first impression, which means they try to impress customer for the first sight. They draw customers’ attention by using a concise but attractive sentence as their advertisement: “Taster’s choice.” When consumers see this advertisement in the supermarket, they will easily be attracted as in their minds, only the company with fully confidence of their product dares to assure customers that their products will always be better than others and should doubtless be customers’ choice. There are two other advertisements on the package of this product, “ON THE GO” and “100% PURE COFFEE”, indicating another advantage of Nestle, which is convenience. “ON THE GO” means this kind of coffee is instant coffee. This series of coffee has 7 packets, once people want to drink coffee, they just need to pick out one packet, and put it into hot water. After a while, they can enjoy the tasty coffee they have made for themselves. “100% PURE COFFEE” shows the quality of the coffee. Even though consumers know nothing about the quality of coffee, when they see the advertisement above, they may probably decide to buy it because it makes people feel good, as the word “pure” seems to guarantee people a feeling of original taste. Apart from advertisements, the package of this coffee looks very beautiful and attractive. What’s more, there are pictures showing how to make a cup of nice coffee on the package, giving customers an easier access to make coffee by themselves. Considering the convenience of this Nestle Coffee, customers such as white-collar and blue-collar people who are always very busy will most probably buy this kind of coffee. The existence of instant coffee also represents a kind of American culture. Most employees in the U.S are white-collar or blue-collar people. They are quite busy during their working hours. So when they want to drink coffee, they probably may not have time to make coffee by themselves, sometimes, they do not even have enough time to find a Starbucks. The best choice for them is to buy instant coffee like Nestle, which save them a great amount of time. The culture, reflected from this group of people is that convenience is quite important for their lives. Nestle provides these kinds of people a chance to enjoy a cup a coffee or just to refresh themselves through the help of coffee in a extremely short time. Alongside, this sort of culture could be seen everywhere in America such as fast food industries. The reason why this kind of culture exists is the U.S develops very quickly; employees have to live in a high pace of live so that they are able to face the difficulties.

       Unlike Nestle Coffee, Blue Mountain Coffee has its own characteristics. The advertisement of Blue Mountain Coffee is “Organic Food Mills”. The word “Organic” indicates a healthier quality. Nowadays, people focus more on healthy than before did. More and more high-class food brands promote organic products. The package of Blue Mountain is different from Nestle by using an image of farm with green grass and blue sky, corresponding well with the word “organic”. There is also a shovel with milled coffee beans standing near the package. In my mind, the motivation of this part of advertisement is that Blue Mountain Coffee is confident with its way of milling; the company dares to show the milled coffee beans to consumers directly. Blue Mountain Coffee is very exquisite, intending more to people who are not busy and enjoy their free times. In my mind, drinking great quality of coffee is a way of enjoying themselves. As consumers nowadays concern more about on health, resulting organic products become prevalent. This is another reflection of American culture. Coffee is no longer a drink for them, but a symbol of relaxation. Pursuing high quality of food such as coffee shows their passion of lives in this area of U.S culture.

       The research about Nestle Coffee and Blue Mountain Coffee makes me realize even though both coffee products as they are; they reflect different consumer class and diverse American culture. Nestle represents the culture of convenience while Blue Mountain links the culture of enjoyment. The combination of these two cultures makes up the intact American culture known today. A small sign can indicate a great trend and so does the advertisements, through which I obtain more ignored American culture, and this research about Nestle Coffee and Blue Mountain Coffee proves it effectively.

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