Thursday, March 29, 2012

Response to 2 articles

Having read the articles “Eating White” written by Geoff Nicholson and “Home Run: My Journey Back to Korean Food” written by Roy Ahn, I found that these 2 authors expressed their honor to their relatives by writing something about food.

In the article “Eating White”, Nicholson wrote that he was eating food now; it was hard to eat the food he used to eat in England because he lived in the U.S. He thought of his mother who liked to eat white, because when he was young, he always ate cheese sandwich made with white Cheshire cheese on white bread and a glass of cold milk, and his mother made all of these for him. He also mentioned that his mother was a CATHOLIC, white food had a special meaning of a white soul to her. This might be a reason why his mom preferred white food so much. Otherwise, the author also wrote what his mother has cooked for his father. Through writing the characteristic that his mother preferred to eat white, the author showed that he missed his mother so much.

In the article “Home Run: My Journey Back to Korean Food” written by Roy Ahn, he talked about his special feeling about Korean food by writhing one day he and his wife were having food in a Korean restaurant. He immigrated to the U.S when he was only 4 years old. As a Korean American, he preferred American food to Korean food. However, his parents were quite different from him. They felt hard to adapt the food there, and his mother always bought food in Korean supermarket and cooked the food in Korean ways. There were even two refrigerators in his home because his mom preferred to put the Korean food separately. At the beginning, the author felt puzzled, because he did not like Korean food and he could not understand his parents, especially his mother. Now, when the author became a father, he thought his child should know Korean food and Korean culture, because the child was a descendant of Korean. He tired to make some Korean food and make his child know more about Korea. In my mind, the author did these things in order to remind of his parents and keep his Korea background.

As with Nicholson and Ahn, sometimes I also have some special feelings coming from food, especially when I have come to the U.S. When I am in China, I do not like to eat spring rolls because I think they are so fatness. But now when I have chances to eat spring rolls, I feel so felicity as if I have come back to China and stayed with my family members. However, I know it is impossible.

Monday, March 26, 2012

My last meal

I had my last meal in a Chinese restaurant called Chinese Taipei Restaurant. It is about 17 miles from DU, so I have to drive there. I had beef, fish that are cooked in Chinese ways. The name of the beef dish is Beef, Sichuan style, the beef is cooked in Sichuan way so that it may taste a little bit spicy. The name of the fish dish is Salt&Pepper Fish Fillets; the fish is cut into pieces, and cooked with more salt and pepper than other dishes. These 2 dishes are both traditional Chinese food, and they do taste well. Except for these 2 dishes, I had rice as well. The advantage to eat in a Chinese restaurant is that I can use chopsticks. Although I have been there for more than seven months, I still believe that using chopsticks are more efficiently than to use forks and knives. Yesterday is the last day of the spring break; I think I should calm down myself to prepare for the next quarter, so I decide to have the meal alone. It is really strange to have the meal alone in a Chinese restaurant, because Chinese students always prefer to go to these kinds of restaurant in groups. In general, my last meal is really delicious and I like it very much!
This is Salt&Pepper Fish Fillets

This is Beef, Sichuan style